Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang.

Mohon baca sambil berimaginasi;

Last weekend was random where I went to spend my time climbing the wall somewhere near Putrajaya. It has been a year since the first time Fieya (thank you love) asked me to join her along and last weekend, marked the first time. since I only went there for two days straight, which I was gladly known as a newbie, my first day went well. I climb twice, on two different blocks and managed to make it to the top for both *insert emoji with black sunglasses* (fyi my first trial went failed, I wasnt able to climb)

2nd Day
We arrived a bit late than yesterday

My second day made me write this as my first post. I only climbed once on the second day, but once is enough to give myself a lesson. We went for the top lead block (mungkin middle hard idk) and anything for newbie, seems hard. I felt so challenged and knew that I could make it to the top even before I started. MEMANG SUSAH OK, TENGOK JE SENANG

Bila I da sampai at one part, (I alrdy passed the half block), part yang I rasa bring lil difficulties sebab dia TIDAK straight ke atas but ada lekuk ke dalam. When I reached to that point, my both hands da cramp and I lost beliefs sbb I rasa dinding tu akan jatuh towards me. I tried to climb but I still could not manage to carry myself up. I cuba many times and finally I gave up and told them yg dkt bawah to let me down sbb I dont think I could able to make it to the top. MY HANDS WERE BOTH CRAMP, and bayangkan saat tu tangan je u ada untuk terus berpaut dan u need both to bergabung with yr legs in order to climb H I G H E R.

Good friends are the one who will be AGAINST u in giving up 

after several trying, I was still not able to climb and those at down below masih takkan izinkan untuk aku turun. Wallahi, perhaps they knew better than I do. With supports, guidance and few rest I took (i still cannot turun ok), I FINALLY managed to make it to the TOP.

Maka izinkan saya menyimpulkan pengajaran yang ini.
I finally understand some would say, main gym would be easier than climbing a wall/rock. Any sports or anything is whole lot easier bcs it requires skill more than your mental.
At the end of the day, I nak simplifiedkan yang climbing wall is like our LIFES yang takkan pernah sunyi dari hardships. See how I managed to make it to the TOP while I deadly fikir I could not teruskan lagi the journey sbb tanganku da cramp nak mampos. What I did was I managed to clear up anything that blocks my thought at that moment, took a step back & rest (this means ku dibiarkan tergantung), lepas tu continue climb semula reaching to the top.

In my entry on my insta post, I pernah tulis yang kekuatan kita semua berbeza. And yes, its still true. But it doesnt matter. Selemah mana kekuatan kita, at the end of the day what matters adalah apa yang kita beritahu pada minda kita iaitu APA YANG KITA FIKIR
bcs it will determine APA YANG KITA RASA
We all could reach to the top, to our dreams, to anything.
Cuma antara usaha dan percaya sahaja. It works both way.

Mcm I, misalnya kalau memang tangan I tak sakit, and I takda percaya yang I boleh buat sampai atas, I still could not make it. Tapi sbb I percaya I mampu habiskan, tangan yang sakit pun automatically tak sakit lagi sbb segalanya pada MENTAL kita. 
what we feed our MIND, will tell our STRENGTH.

Akhir kata, kita semua yang membaca adalah manusia. 
Dan manusia takkan mampu untuk berdiri sendiri. Di sebalik seseorang yang berdiri teguh, ada ramai manusia yang Allah hantarkan untuk berdiri dibelakangnya. So no matter what kita semua tengah lalui sekarang, segalanya akan jadi mudah kalau kita mampu tukar apa yang ada di kepala kita.

Cuba lah hari-hari, walaupun besok kita mungkin akan tersungkur lagi. 
Takpa, asal kita terus cuba bangkit berdiri.

dan jangan berhenti mencari siapa manusia-manusia di belakang kita. 
we always need them, to climb faster & higher.

P/s: pls do the wall climbing, ull feel the fun and know your mental level :p

Salam kekuatan
Ninaa Fazli
