

Bismillahirahmannirrahim Dengan nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang. Mohon baca sambil berimaginasi; Last weekend was random where I went to spend my time climbing the wall somewhere near Putrajaya. It has been a year since the first time Fieya (thank you love)  asked me to join her along and last weekend, marked the first time. since I only went there for two days straight, which I was gladly known as a newbie, my first day went well. I climb twice, on two different blocks and managed to make it to the top for both *insert emoji with black sunglasses* (fyi my first trial went failed, I wasnt able to climb) 2nd Day We arrived a bit late  than yesterday My second day made me write this as my first post. I only climbed once on the second day, but once is enough to give myself a lesson. We went for the top lead block (mungkin middle hard idk) and anything for newbie, seems hard. I felt so challenged and knew that I could make it to the top even before I st